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Available RESTful APIs

This is an overview of available APIs at VSKO. This is the entry point into the documentation of all APIs exposed by VSKO. All of these APIs have been designed to be sufficiently uniform and adhere to a common specification that can be found here. It is advised that a client read through the basic, common concepts of our API design.

In order to browse to the API we advise you install the JsonView plugin into your browser (Chrome and Firefox are supported). Any other JSON viewer will obviously also do.

Main API’s

Organisational Units API

Persons API

Responsibilities API

Content API

API’s more in the periphery

Mailer API

Websites API

Events API

Training API

PrivateState API

Workgroups API

Geographic API

Llinkid API’s

CustomCurriculum API

ActivityPlanning API

Store API

Files API (deprecated)

Meta API’s

Security API

Presentation API

Proposals API

Search API

Audit & Broadcast API

Main API’s

These are the APi’s that most people will come in contact with, because almost all applications need to show some information related to either persons and/or organisations and/or the link between those two.

Organisational Units API

This API exposes information related to organisations in the field of education within Belgium. It contains, in other words, information of all organisations VSKO deals with at some point. The main entities in this API are schools and their school locations, school communities, governing institutions, boarding schools and various other organisations. Read more here.

Examples (test) :,,

Examples (production) :,,

Persons API

This API exposes personal information about people VSKO deals with. It contains various keys to identify people, contact details etc. This information is not available publicly. Access to the documentation must be requested. Read more here.

Examples (test) :

Examples (production) :

Responsibilities API

This API provides information that describes what relationships a person has to one or more institutions and organisations. Things like who is director of what school, who is chairman of a governing institution, who is a member of what workgroup. Read more here.

Examples (test) :

Examples (production) :

Content API

Any piece of semi-structured text/content (for example vision texts, curricula, articles on websites/in mailinglists, etc..). Leans very heavily on the Dublin Core metadata standard. Read more here.

Examples (test) :

Examples (production) :

API’s more in the periphery

Whether you need to use these API’s will many times be dependant on which project you’re working on.

Mailer API

Is an API to support sending out (bulk) emails using a bulk email provider and tracking the opens and clicks. It also allows to pick from a list of predefined templates, and to have context variables.

Websites API

Store how certain content in /content API should be visualized on various websites. Specifications can be found here.

Events API

Stores ‘events’ organised by KathOndVla (currently fed mainly/only by nascholing).

Training API

Stores the various trainings that are offered by the samenscholing team of KathOndVla.

PrivateState API

A simple API to hold personal information for a user (like user-specific settings in a certain application).

Workgroups API

Organisational Units that are part of KathOndVla (teams for example) can choose which tools they want to use to improve their collaboration. These tools include a shared mailbox, sharepoint, MSTeams. This API is holding that information. Read more here.

Examples (test) :

Examples (production) :

Geographic API

In order to standardise the address information in our APIs we have created a standard reference for things like cities, sub cities and streets as well as larger geographic entities such as countries, provinces, dioceses. Read more here.

Examples (test) :,

Examples (production) :,

Llinkid API’s

CustomCurriculum API

Stores ‘custom’ curricula as defined by schools/teams of teachers or individual teachers as a set of annotations on an existing ‘base curriculum’ stored in content API.

ActivityPlanning API

Keeps a list of activities linked to a (custom) curriculum that a teacher has planned to do with his pupils.

Store API

Contains information about who ordered which products (a training for example). [NOT USED YET]

Files API (deprecated)

Any documents that are published (for example to the VSKO websites). They typically have meta information such as abstracts, the author, creation date, etc.. Read more here

Examples (test) :,hecke.

Examples (production) :,hecke.

Meta API’s

These API’s are mainly used by other API’s or software components to do their job.

Security API

Centralizes the administration of access to our applications. All of our API’s (& some of our applications) use this API to determine who has what permissions. It contains 2 parts: a simple Restful API to store the rules (in a JSON format), and a query API used by our various components to check if a given identity has access to a given resource. Read more here

Examples (production) :

Presentation API

This is an API that can tell where to go to in order to view/edit a certain resource. So given a resource url (like /persons/<guid>) it will return an application url with the right parameters to immediately take you to the edit screen for that person for example.


Proposals API

This API stores updates that a certain user wants to have executed on one of the other API’s, of things he isn’t allowed to modify himself. The ‘reviewer’ of the proposal can then apply the proposal if he agrees with the proposed changes. This allows us to have people ‘annotate’ an existing website for example, where an editor can then apply the proposed changes. Or it could be used to indicate that a certain person should be part of a team, and then have the team manager ‘accept’ the proposal.

Search API

Allows for advanced and fast full-text searching on our information. That includes documents and content, as well as structured information such as persons (if you have permission), schools and other organisational units, etc.. etc.. Read more here

Examples (production) :

Audit & Broadcast API

Takes care of tracking and broadcasting modifications to resources. Read more here

Examples (production) :